5 Ways in which Programmers have changed the World

3 min readNov 24, 2020

Have you ever thought about Earth without computers? Isn’t it difficult to picture?

Since it’s inception in the early 1800s, the computer has probably been one of the most amazing inventions by the homo sapiens. But the world today wouldn’t have been as it is without the artists who figured out how to materialize the computer’s intent with their logic-based creativity — the programmers.

English mathematician Ada Lovelace was the first-ever programmer to create a computer algorithm that would be run by Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine. Her notes are considered as the world’s first pieces of algorithm or program.

And the rest, they say, is history!

While there’s no finish line to what programmers have achieved through the years, let us take a peek at some of the major impacts they have made across our lives:

Keeping the world connected

Imagine a pandemic-hit world with no means of virtual communication. It’s almost scary. Without video-conferencing and messaging applications, the entire population would be unemployed since there wouldn’t be any scope for remote working. Programmers managed to enhance existing products to support millions of remote-working professionals and organizations, in a matter of months; not to mention millions of students who are being able to continue their academics even in the midst of a pandemic!

Innovating healthcare processes

Gone are the days when rooms used to be filled with medical record files and other paperwork, most of which would go missing in due time. Programmers have developed a digital format known as Electronic Health Record (EHR) which allows doctors to easily store huge amounts of data with respect to patients’ medical history and other relevant information. From data management and diagnosis of ailments to the administration of treatments, technology has dramatically streamlined healthcare practices. Without technological advancement, the healthcare industry wouldn’t have been half as effective in detecting diseases, and delivering treatment as they are today.

Revolutionizing business affairs

Demand-supply dynamics have undergone rigorous digitalization in merely a decade. Programmers have made it easy for both businesses to venture out to the right customers as well as individuals to fulfill their consumption needs. Automation too has been a major factor in driving large-scale operations, be it any industry. Programmers have eventuated the possibility of teaching machines to perform complex or repetitive tasks with minimal intervention, in turn aiding to save lots and lots of valuable time.

Enhancing digital security

As the Internet started unfurling itself into everyone’s lives, it simultaneously gave rise to a concern for network security. With passing time, although cyber threats have become more prevalent, so have security protocols. Whether it’s encrypting application data or addressing vulnerabilities in servers, programmers are always one step ahead in the game — they have the ability to fix a problem you don’t know you had in the first place, in ways you wouldn’t understand, unless you’re one of them!

Taking the banking sector online

The option of digital transactions is helping us lead our day-to-day lives while limiting the spread of COVID19. People are truly understanding the importance of online transactions in a virus-hit world where it’s too risky to touch things. If not for the tireless contributions of programmers, the concept of online wallets, net banking, or even UPI would have been a distant dream.

According to Evans Data Corporation, there are more than 26 million programmers in the world right now, and each one of them is playing a part in building an innovative tomorrow with their own creative logic. For every line of code they write, a piece of art takes better shape.

Originally published on Coditas Blog

